
Showing posts from November, 2015

Bogus User Registration: User Role Editor Plugin Could Control It

Bogus user registration poses a problem to both large and small website owners.   The term bogus user registration in this context refers to a user sign up which is not genuine. This fake user registrations become a problem to a website if the website allows members registrations. Fake registrations make it hard for the website owner to differentiate between genuine users and fake users. Many website owners tend to think that identifying individuals behind bogus user registrations and banning them from accessing the site is the best solution to the problem.   As a result, they will spend a lot of resources including time to develop tools supposedly designed to block or ban spammers from accessing their site.   While this approach may be effective in denying the individuals behind fake registrations on websites the access to them, it has two major drawbacks.   First, genuine website users can be unwittingly banned from accessing the website if the website...