Sexual affairs between political leaders and their junior officials – act of exploitation or opportunism.

What comes up in your mind when you hear about the names of these men- Moshev Katsav, Bill Clinton, Silvio Berlusconi, and Vaclav Klaus.   You might say that they were all former political leaders of their respective countries.  You are right.  Moshev Katsav was former Israeli president, Bill Clinton was former American President, Silvio Berlusconi was former Italian prime minister, and Vaclav Klaus was former Czech Republic president.  However, these leaders were not only known for being political leaders of their countries but also known for sex scandals surrounding their term of office.  You can find out more about the sex scandals associated with these leaders at your spare time.  Meanwhile you should read on to find out about people’s view on this topic below.  
Some people tend to view the action of political leaders who engage in sexual affairs with their junior officials as mere act of exploitation.  In their view, political leaders have power to appoint people who can work for them and have power to remove these people from their positions if they fail to deliver.  Sometimes they seem to abuse this power by coercing vulnerable junior officials working with them into sexual affairs. 
Other people will disagree with this view that junior government officials who have affairs with their political leaders are victims of intimidation or exploitation.  Instead they will contend that junior officials tend to have affairs with their political leaders to advance their political careers very rapidly using sexual means.  It is true that the careers of some of the officials having affairs with their political leaders are usually in their early stages which might explain why some of the officials might like to engage in their sexual behaviour with their leaders.  However, accepting this reason as the only and main factore for sexual relationships between political leaders and their junior officials will be disrespectful to many junior officials who have been victims of this act.

Instead of viewing sexual affairs between political leaders and their junior officials as merely acts of exploitation of junior officials by their political leaders or acts of opportunism by junior officials trying to advance their political careers, the acts should be viewed as something that can develop from any of these two factors.  


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