Beware of misleading information on the internet.

One of the best things about the internet is the ability to write and publish information to the public audience. What a person needs to publish such information are just very simple. They include simple writing skills, a computer, an access to the internet and a blog or website page to publish the information. This is unlike the era preceding the internet when publication of information was a costly and difficult task.

This ease of publicising information on the internet has also given rise to all sorts of claims. It is easy to find claims on the internet such as we have 100 per cent satisfied customers; we are expert in body care products; We have proven track record of delivering success. Trying to disprove any of these claims is not easy. It is difficult and can involve using a lot of resources including financial ones.

While it is difficult to establish the authenticity of most information on the internet, some information on the internet can be identified very easily as false or misleading statement. Consider the case of an SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) company for example. This company claims on its website that it has been providing SEO services to customers for more than 70 years. Some visitors to this website, who want better ranking for their website, can be misled by this long years of SEO experience.

However, an analysis of this so-called 70 years of SEO experience shows that it is false. First, internet was not in existence 70 years ago. Although the developments that led to it began in the 1950’s in the United States, the internet was invented in the 1980’s and commercialised in 1995. Second, business websites were not in existence 70 years ago. They started only after the commercialisation of internet in 1995. Therefore, businesses did not look for better site ranking services 70 years ago.

As mentioned earlier, the World Wide Web or internet has transformed the way in which information is published and read by the public in great ways. However, to avoid the danger of accepting misleading information as true such as the one advanced by the SEO Company, you must be sceptical with every information you find on the internet. Do not accept such information at face value. Question every aspect of it for authenticity.


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