Is Pope Francis Shifting Position From Pacifism To Militarism?

Pope Francis Pope Francis, the Catholic Pope, was not shy to air his view on Iraq when confronted on his way from South Korea to Rome by reporters. He told one of the reporters who had asked him whether he would like military action against ISIS in Iraq that some solutions need to be found for the troubled country. The Pope, however, did not say what these solutions might be. Unsatisfied with this vague answer the reporter pressed the Pope for clarity but the Pope said the decision should be made by politicians. This Pope's reaction is unprecedented. In the past the Pope used to ask for conflicts to be resolved through pacifism - without the use of force - rather than through military force. The question that arises now is what is leading the Pope to shift his ideology for resolving conflicts by pacifism to militarism? Has the Pope too become polarised due to the current persecution of Christian minorities in the middle east by Islamist radicals? Holy See ...